
True-kin Background for Cairn

True Kin

Your people were wise. They sealed themselves in the great arcologies before the rain of fire that destroyed the outside world. Your bloodlines have been preserved from the ravages and degradation of mutation & parasitic nanomachinery and so it is only right that your people take their place as the rightful rulers of the world when it was once again safe to visit the surface. You were taught the value of hierarchy and caste and have brought that with you in your repopulation of the surface and the establishment of the New Hegemony. Others of your kind will welcome you, while those who actually come from the Outside may view you with fear and suspicion. (You cannot roll on the mutation tables on chargen. If you gain any visible mutations through play other True-Kin will shun you.)


Xurm, Leif, Calista, Jinny, Leksei, Rylee, Goza, Pharmon, Babl, Mesu

Starting Gear

What is your caste? Roll 1d6:

  1. Servitor. You were born into the labourer caste. Other True-Kin may view you with disdain, but you are the ones that kept the machines running and the air pure and you have some knowledge of the technology of the old ones.
  2. Freeholder. You were born into the merchant caste. They say that power rules the world, but where does that power come from? Gelt of course. You have an instinctual way with markets and currency.
  3. Optimate. You were born into the administrator caste. Rules oversee all and you are an expert in maneuvering through the intricate mazes of law, custom, and etiquette.
  4. Armiger. You were born into the warrior caste. Power comes at the end of a weapon and you know how to curry the favour of those above you through the appearance (whether real or feigned) of strength of arms.
  5. Prelatic. You were born into the priestly caste. All power comes from the Powers and your family has been steeped in the ancient traditions that pay obeisance to them. Those who would ignore your words are fools indeed.
  6. Exultant. You were born into the sacred aristocracy. All others are pretenders, you know both the burden and the joy of true rulership. Let those that would not heed your words take care.

What advantage have you gained from the Hegemony? Roll 1d6:

  1. Autoglot Headbank: You were modified by Hegemony technicians and have a cybernetic implant that allows you to read and speak any language after only a cursory introduction to it.
  2. Blasphemies of the Binary Demon: A tablet engraved with a series of quantum-logical propositions. Poses little threat to organic life but can be deadly to sentient machines.
  3. Presence of the Ancients: You have the true bearing of the Progenitors. There is a 3 in 6 chance that when you encounter pre-collapse security systems or guard synths that they will recognize you as their master.
  4. Lost Knowledge: You have been trained by the sages of the arcologies and have a 3 in 6 chance of being able to recognize Exotica you come across and understand how it works.
  5. Trauma Response Rig: You were modified by Hegemony technicians and may ignore a failed Critical Damage save (once/day)
  6. Finger syringe: You were modified by Hegemony technicians and have an injector hidden in one finger. You can load it with any tonic, drug, or poison (1 use per load).

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