
Planeyfolk background for Cairn


The study of hypergeometry claimed many casualties, for those who seek to unpick the stitches of creation do so at great risk. The slightest mistake in hypergeometic calculations could cause ghastly distortions of matter, birthing monstrosities of perspective and volume, the sight of which turned even the most courageous man into a coward.

Planeyfolk are the descendants of such unfortunates, a race fathered by men who slipped through the cracks of Euclidean space into something new and strange. Some have normal proportions and can be mistaken for a true person when viewed head-on. Others are possessed of more exotic geometry, their forms warped by impossible vanishing points and blasphemous angles.


Clotho, Atropos, Laomer, Foxglory, Thelik, Salter, Eukelaris, Untermance, Euclid, Umbrie

Starting Gear

Why are you flat? Roll 1d6:

  1. Your parents were Planeyfolk.
  2. You were exposed to hypergeometry in utero.
  3. You were cursed by a Quantum Demon.
  4. You meditated before a 4D Tesseract.
  5. You were a hypergeometrician. There was an accident.
  6. Malfunctioning longjaunt portal.

How does your strange geometry manifest? Roll 1d6:

  1. You always appear in profile and have no back, just two identical fronts.
  2. You never seem to touch anything and your voice sounds as if it is coming from far away.
  3. You have multiple identical faces and cast two shadows.
  4. Your face appears concave or convex and you never match the ambient light.
  5. Your movements look like stop-motion animation and you bleed gory cubes.
  6. Your body is clearly hollow and your eyes are holes of infinite depth.

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