
Pilgrim background for Cairn


You have travelled the world and seen things the folk at home wouldn’t - and don’t - believe. Your peregrinations may have been for many reasons: martial, religious, or simply boredom and curiosity – regardless, the roads you have travelled have left their mark on you.


Marco, Christopher, Godfrey, Hugh, Amelia, Anna, Dora, Lemuel, Sal, Tancred

Starting Gear

What have you seen? Roll 1d6:

  1. The capital of the great Potentate of the East (or West, or North, or South) whose magnificence is beyond compare. You long to return.
  2. The gateway to the hidden Underworld. It was whispered that despite the danger to body and soul, it could also lead to great riches and renown.
  3. The ruins of the ancients. How they built such structures you cannot say, but the wealth and genius they had at their command is staggering.
  4. A world where animals ruled & spoke and people like yourself were merely mute slaves. You were lucky to escape with your life!
  5. A kingdom in the clouds inhabited by creatures unlike any you have seen since. For the life of you, you can't recall how you found your way there.
  6. An endless desert that was nearly the end of you. They said the land of bliss lay on the further side, but you’re uncertain it had any end.

What have you brought back? Roll 1d6:

  1. An antique map that seems to re-draw itself each morning. Sometimes you recognize what it displays, other times you have never seen what it shows. (petty)
  2. A palm frond from the Holy City, you may cast Ward once a day.
  3. A compass that points to something, you’re not sure what, but it certainly isn’t North.
  4. A well-worn and patched cloak that has seen better days, still it has some strange property and has protected you from many an angry storm. (1 armor)
  5. A coin that displays the face of the great Emperor. He gave it to you himself and you would never part with it. (petty)
  6. A page with the writings of an obscure holy man you met in the far-lands. The script is completely foreign to you and thus far no one else has recognized it, but you are confident it holds a great secret. (petty)

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