
Moss Dwarf Background for Cairn

Moss Dwarf

You have haunted the secret corners of the Dolmenwood and live a life that is nearly one with the wilds. You are an expert at burrowing in the earth and can not only speak to the plants of the wild, but incorporate them into your own fertile flesh.


Wobold, Golumbo, Ghibli, Higwold, Tomdown, Mobdemold, Smodri

Starting Gear

What grows in your flesh? Roll 1d6:

  1. Your beard is a green tangle of brush that has edible mushrooms growing in its midst.
  2. Climbing vines wrap around your limbs and torso.
  3. Dainty flowers are sprinkled throughout your body and facial hair.
  4. A miniature tree grows from your ear.
  5. The outer parts of your ears are replaced by a ruffled fungus.
  6. A single large, partially sentient mushroom grows from the crown of your head.

What is your Knack? Roll 1d6:

  1. Bird Friend: You have communed with the various flocks of the feathered inhabitants of the wood. You are able to speak with birds and may call on their aid (once/day).
  2. Lock Singer: You have studied the ancient lore of locks, bolts and catches. You can sing the charms that can often open that which is closed and close that which is open (once/day).
  3. Root Friend: You have delved more deeply into the roots of the earth than most of your kind. You may ‘speak’ with and summon the roots that are buried in the earth (once/day).
  4. Wood Kenning: You have sojourned extensively with tree & leaf, learning their secret tongues. You can sense the thoughts, feelings, and memories of nearby plant life or those which they have absorbed from others (once/day).
  5. Nose Wise: Your nose is sensitive to the many subtle aromas of the world. You can identify the location of various nearby things from delectable edibles to hidden secrets when you concentrate on what it is you seek (once/day).
  6. Yeast Master: Your time amongst spores and fungus has been extensive. You are a master of brewing and baking with yeast and can encourage even the most recalcitrant product to come to full fruition, sometimes from your own body.

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