
Grimalkin background for Cairn


You grew weary of the Faery world from whence you came and entered the much more interesting plane of mortals in search of adventure, fun, and mice. You are most often found in the form of an impeccably dressed humanoid cat, though you do have other options, and while you are sometimes underestimated due to your size you are not to be trifled with.

All Grimalkin have three natural forms: Estray (humanoid cat), Chester (fat and stupid cat), and Wilder (Primal Fey form that is mostly invisible save for glowing predatory eyes). Switching between the three is not always easy (or purposeful) and can cause endless complications for the PC.


Boots Cottonsocks, Princess Tailwhisk, Tomkin Whippletongue, Nibbles Ratbane, Jack Pusskin, Penny Pouncemouse, Lord Fluff-a-kin, Monsieur Milktongue, Prissy Grimalgrime, Penny Poppletail

Starting Gear

What can you not resist? Roll 1d6:

  1. The primal allure of catnip.
  2. Tasty, tasty mice and rats.
  3. The urge to tease the boring mortals of the Dolmenwood.
  4. A challenge.
  5. The unknown...the more dangerous the better!
  6. Luxurious clothing and accessories, price is no object.

What skill do you practice par excellence? Roll 1d6:

  1. Your keen eyes and nose are unparalleled. You can track prey with only the slightest of traces.
  2. Your fingers are more nimble than most. Whether picking a pocket or a lock your skills of prestidigitation are superlative.
  3. Claws of a climber. There are very few (even sheer) surfaces which you cannot scale with ease.
  4. Agile feet. When falling from a height you always land on your feet...just make sure the distance isn't so great that it doesn't matter.
  5. Fey blood. You are particularly tied to your Faery background and may cast a specific glamour that is able to hide you from mortal eyes once per day.
  6. Mercurial form. You are much more practiced in changing from Estray to Chester to Wilder form and can do so much more easily than others of your kind.

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