
Friar Background for Cairn

This one is basically a hack of my Pilgrim background with some tweaks to make it fit for a Friar in Dolmenwood.


You have wandered the byways and highways of the Dolmenwood, tending to the common people as well as waiting on the nobility. The Church sometimes views your actions with a jaundiced eye, but you know that living freely in the world and dispensing aid as you are able is the true calling of your heart.


Tuck, Albert, Hyacinth, William, Lawrence, Agnes, Hild

Starting Gear

What have you seen? Roll 1d6:

  1. The deeps of the Dolmenwood hold many dangerous secrets and you have witnessed some of the secret rites of the mysterious Drune. You pray each night that this fact will not become known to them.
  2. While travelling in the woodland glades haunted by the Moss Dwarves you saw a shambling mass of roots, earth, and greenery moving away in the distance. You don't know what it was, and the Moss Dwarves would not say, but it still haunts your dreams.
  3. In a hidden glen you stumbled upon the ruins of an ancient shrine devoted to one of the Church's many saints. You were unable to tell which one it was, but with some research you may find this out and gain both renown and possible blessings.
  4. You remember stumbling across a strange village populated completely by talking animals. You plan to return some day and see what secrets you might discover about them.
  5. The swamps of Hag's Addle are one of the most arduous stretches of the wood and you are certain that one night at the gloaming you saw the stunted form of an old matron striding across them as though in her element. Could this have been old Mother Swithenby herself?
  6. A clearing in the midst of the tangled woods from which rose a mighty standing stone. It was inscribed with arcane markings you could not decipher and seemed to hum with its own power.

What have you found on your travels? Roll 1d6:

  1. A saint's bone lying near a ruined shrine. You may cast Blessing once/day when you invoke the saint's name and brandish the bone.
  2. A precious pouch of Spirithame moss gathered under the light of the moon. (petty, Heal 1d4 STR, 3 uses)
  3. A holy text found amongst the detritus of a graveyard. You may cast Reject Unlife once/day.
  4. A mantle that is said to have belonged to the Blessed Blaise of the Wood. It is somewhat worn and frayed, but grants you a sense of safety and security. (1 armor)
  5. A spiral horn that twists back on itself. You don't know from what kind of creature it came, but it stinks of chaos and darkness.
  6. A page you found fluttering underneath a rock near a moss covered standing stone. It is covered with writings in a strange script that is completely foreign to you and thus far no one else has recognized it, but you are confident it holds a great secret. (petty)

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