
Executioner background for Cairn


Once you were the executive arm of the powers that be, the very epitome of justice as envisioned by your milieu and feared by all. Your knowledge of human anatomy, and the ways to take advantage of it for good or ill, are extensive.


Severian, Itto, Jack, Franz, Othmar, Vladimir, Pietro, Gurloes, Kala, Ilsa

Starting Gear

What secret have you learned? Roll 1d6:

  1. The names of several highly placed officials whose activities could be considered questionable to a high degree by the local potentate.
  2. The location of a supposedly mythical, though possibly real -they swore it was!-, cache of magnificence beyond the wildest dreams of avarice.
  3. The true name of a Lord of Hell, Faery Monarch, or Cosmic Entity of some puissance.
  4. The petty sins of every servant in the kitchens and stables of the local lord.
  5. The identities and locations of the local lord’s illegitimate children.
  6. The name of the friend who betrayed you to your former masters.

What do you carry in your sabretache? Roll 1d6:

  1. Liar's Bane - An herbal mixture that is able to extract the truth from even the most unwilling client. 2 uses. (petty)
  2. Reaper's Bliss - Instills a calming effect and inspires docility that leads to a euphoric state dulling even the most extreme physical discomfort. 1 use. (petty)
  3. Book of Tales - A small volume of fantastical tales that may hold secrets to the mysteries of the real world. (1 slot)
  4. Field Aid Kit - A small bundle containing bandages, needle, sinew, and other sundries for taking care of unexpected (or expected) injuries. 3 uses. (1 slot)
  5. Small Brass Key - Supposedly this key can open a mysterious door marked with the sign of the sun and stars. (petty)
  6. Azure Stone - A gemstone that your final client secreted into their prison (who knows how?) whose properties, if any, are unknown. It may just be glass, but they went to a lot of trouble to keep it hidden. (petty)

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