
Elf of Dolmenwood background for Cairn

Elf of Dolmenwood

You have lived for ages in the land of Faerie, but something has drawn you into the world of mortals. Perhaps you wish to regain the lost kingdoms your people once ruled, or mayhap to combat the malign and eldritch powers of the Nag Lord, or maybe you simply enjoy the sheer fun you can have in pulling the rug from under the mundane lives of the quaint mortals whose paths you cross.


Wind-Among-the-Leaves, Mince-and-Treacle, Blood-Upon-the-Snow, Glinting-Sunset-Waves, Gallows-Shade, Spring’s-First-Breath, Autumn-Twilight-Glimmers, Morning’s-Last-Mists, Chalice-of-Duskviolet, Murder-of-Ravens

Starting Gear

What desire drives your actions? Roll 1d6:

  1. To sample the vagaries of human emotions, purely as a spectator of course. You wish to instill bitter longing, endless enmity, and painful joy in the hearts of mortals.
  2. To reclaim the Faery kingdom of your ancestors lost ages ago to the grasping hands of mortals, or the conniving influence of a rival Faery.
  3. To somehow experience the frail ecstasy of these mere mortal lives to counterbalance the ennui of your immortal life. Your deepest wish is to plumb the greatest mystery of humanity: to grow old and die.
  4. To find the lost relics of the Fae that have been scattered across the mortal lands.
  5. To find and weed out the dark stench of rot wherever it may reside, be it in the Halls of the infamous Nag Lord and his ilk, or the destructive realms of mortals.
  6. To cause as much chaos as you can in these mortal realms, upturning any order you find in the name of pure unadulterated glee.

What preternatural trait do you possess? Roll 1d6:

  1. You are able to cast a Glamour once a day to befuddle the minds of mortals. You may be able to invoke awe, or cover yourself in a cloak of darkness, conjure Faery treats to be the bane of mortal content, or instill fear, cheer, or discord in the hearts of mortals.
  2. You have studied the secrets of elf runes. Roll on the Carin magic spell list to find out what Rune you are able to cast. Since this is an intangible rune it does not require a spellbook or take up an inventory slot.
  3. You have piercing elven eyes that are keener even than those of most of your keen-eyed kindred. You can perceive invisible or otherwise magically hidden objects and creatures.
  4. You have dabbled in the magics of Elfland and their connection with the cosmos. You are able to sense the disruption of chaos, and especially the taint of the Nag Lord, if it has been in use nearby.
  5. Your physical form is as changeable as your mood. Once a day you are able to take the shape of a specific animal totem: either a hawk, wolf, deer, or salmon (choose one).
  6. You are keenly attuned to the airs of Elfland. You can sense any nearby Fairy Road or doorway to the Otherworld.

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