
Cacklemaw Exile background for Cairn

Cacklemaw Exile

Your people’s origins are hidden in the mists of time. Some believe that you are simply some offshoot of the Newbeasts, an unholy union of Hyena and Human, but your people have other beliefs. Whatever they may be, you do not discuss them with outsiders and the fact that others have only come females of your species raises further questions. As with many things on Urth, this makes you laugh as does your reputation for you are known throughout Vaarn as the most irritating, destructive, argumentative, vicious, foul-smelling, and fundamentally nasty creatures that walk the surface of the Urth.

Try to imagine, then, how badly behaved a Cacklemaw must be before the other Cacklemaw decide they no longer wish to associate with her.


Bunny, Fang, Grot, Darling, Longsnout, Palecrow, Sabbat, Sweetmeat, Vileglory, Pinkeye

Starting Gear

Why were you exiled? Roll 1d6:

  1. You were born a runt and must prove yourself worthy of the name Cacklemaw.
  2. You showed mercy (or cowardice) in the midst of combat.
  3. You were insubordinate without the strength (or luck) to back it up.
  4. You asked questions.
  5. You shared a clan secret with an outsider.
  6. For a ridiculous petty reason.

What makes you laugh the most? Roll 1d6:

  1. The sight of your enemy’s blood and guts strewn upon the ground.
  2. Witnessing the begging, pleading, or weeping of your foes.
  3. Vandalism and petty larceny.
  4. Nothing brings on mirth like a good beheading.
  5. Explosions and displays of extreme property damage.
  6. The taste of your rival’s blood as it gushes through your jaws.

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